Locksmith Tool Supplier & Auto Locksmith Specialist, for all your Auto Key Needs
As a Locksmith Tool Supplier, our business is not limited to only supplying the locksmith tools and products but also some related services including:-
Computerized Key Cutting & Duplication Service
We are the Auto Locksmith Specialist for your car or any vehicles. No matter what your key duplication needs are - making a spare key or replacing the broken one, and even, having jammed keys removed from any vehicles, doors and so forth - we covered them all. With the latest CNC Computerised Cutting Machine alongside our expertly qualified locksmiths, we can duplicate a new, spare key for your car or vehicle, in accurate and quick manner.
Transponder Key Service
What is Transponder Key?
Transporter key is a key most commonly used in many modern automobile, especially the more high-ended, expensive one to prevent vehicle theft. It comes with electronic microchip (transponder) hidden inside the plastic head of the key and your transponder key is the only key to start your car engine. The engine can only be started when the transponder replies with a valid code to the vehicle’s computer request upon insertion of the key into the ignition lock. At KWT Technology, we have the Transponder Car Key Programmer Tool and is proud to offer an extensive range of transponder key types for your transponder key programming and duplication at low cost.
Car Key Remote / Keyless Car Fob Programming
Car Key Remote, also widely known as Key Fob or Keyless Car Fob, is a small plastic controller for locking and unlocking a car with the press of a button. Here at KWT Technology, we can help you to program, repair or replace a car key remote utilizing our advanced and the latest Car Key Programmer Tool. In our programming, we also include a panic button or car alarm button for personal safety, which causes horn honking and lights flashing when the alarm button is pressed.
Stolen or Lost Car Keys Replacement
Losing keys can be one of the most frustrating moments for vehicle owner, be it a car, motorcycle, lorry or truck. But at KWT Technology, we will not let this to ruin your day. We offer speedy key replacement service for all types of lost car key situations in Malaysia and provide “same day” car key cutting and programming, if time permitting. No fuss, no mess. Now you need not to contact your car dealer, arrange for towing service and all the other headaches. Contact us, and we can have your problem solved economically and conveniently.
Automotive Workstation
As both a Locksmith Tool Supplier and Auto Locksmith Specialist, we have our own auto service centres to offer and conduct the technical and mechanical auto services to the public, such as the key duplication, key programming, lost car keys replacement, car repair and all.
Click here to find out our locations.
KWT Technology Sdn. Bhd.
HEAD OFFICE : 9-1, Jalan Reko Sentral 4,
Reko Sentral 43000 Kajang, Selangor.
Tel: +603 - 8736 6133
Fax: +603 - 8734 7527
H/P: 012-233 1899
JOHOR BRANCH : 3, Jalan Nagasari 22,
Segamat Baru, 85000 Segamat, Johor.
Tel: +607 - 943 5692
Fax: +607 - 943 5692
Disclaimer: Not all keys ie. transponder keys may be serviceable at KWT Technology Sdn Bhd. In some cases, keys must be serviced directly by the manufacturer.